Question for you, students!
Hi guys!
You're about to start receiving notifications from your Google Classrooms about the enrichment assignments your teachers are sharing with you. Since the district's parameters for distance learning state nothing can be turned in, graded, or impact your grades (gradebooks are frozen as of 3/13), I have some questions for you!
1. What type of assignments would you like to see in general for your classes?
2. What type of assignments would you enjoy having in ELA specifically?
3. What can I do (feedback or communications) that will make you feel heard and supported?
4. Is there a specific type of work or skill you'd like to take this time to develop?
5. What was the silliest thing you saw online today?
Thank you for taking the time to read this post and (hopefully) respond in the comments with your answers to my questions. I would love to take this opportunity to let you design the type of assignments you're working on. You're the captain now!
Thanks! Love you, miss you, stay well!
You're about to start receiving notifications from your Google Classrooms about the enrichment assignments your teachers are sharing with you. Since the district's parameters for distance learning state nothing can be turned in, graded, or impact your grades (gradebooks are frozen as of 3/13), I have some questions for you!
1. What type of assignments would you like to see in general for your classes?
2. What type of assignments would you enjoy having in ELA specifically?
3. What can I do (feedback or communications) that will make you feel heard and supported?
4. Is there a specific type of work or skill you'd like to take this time to develop?
5. What was the silliest thing you saw online today?
Thank you for taking the time to read this post and (hopefully) respond in the comments with your answers to my questions. I would love to take this opportunity to let you design the type of assignments you're working on. You're the captain now!
Thanks! Love you, miss you, stay well!
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