Thursday and Friday 11/29, 11/30

7th Grade

I will analyze the elements of a myth to determine two or more themes.
-short response (IAN pg 16, bottom half) prompt: Icarus "threw caution to the wind" meaning he had made a bold and risky move. How had both Icarus and Daedalus made bold and risky moves? Respond in RACE format, Highlight the three parts of your answer to identify the R/A, C, and E.
-Cornell notes (IAN pg 17)
Notes to answer the six cornell questions copied in prior class period (see this post)
-Icarus - Analysis (IAN pg 18) *periods 3,4 did not get to this* Analyzing the Text from textbook page 36, #s 1-3, Critical Vocab textbook page 37, #s 1-4

8th Grade

I will recognize and analyze the elements of a story's plot.
Academic Vocab: Collection 1
Intro to Collection 1
"The Golden Glass" workbook pages 3-8
-short response
All drafts of essay (see this post and your Google Classroom) are due by 11/30 at 1:50 pm


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