7th Grade: "Rogue Wave" Quiz Re-Dos

  • You may re-do your quizzes for Rogue Wave as many times as you'd like until you reach the score you're happiest with. 
  • Learn and grow from this opportunity! 
  • All corrections will be made within Google Classroom and therefore must be done in the library during lunch, during free time in other classes, or at home. 

Rogue Wave - Quiz 1

View your original quiz. Open the Google Doc attached to the new assignment (Rogue Wave Quiz - Part 1 CORRECTIONS) in your Google Classroom. Write your responses to the questions you'd like to correct on the document. Submit/turn-in (or mark complete) when done.

Rogue Wave - Quiz 2

To adjust this part of the quiz, open the Rogue Wave Quiz - Part 2 document from the quiz in Google Classroom and make the changes you'd like. Resubmit it when you're done.


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