Thursday and Friday, 1/11 1/12
7th Grade
I will analyze elements of an expository essay.
Bellwork: Write an acrostic poem using the word BALANCE or GEOLOGY
Lesson: Rotations
Create a new IAN page titled Big Rocks’ Balancing Act –
Rotations, 1/10/18
Explain the three sections it will have, and show example.
It’s okay that you will have different orders, as long as you end up with all
the sections when you’re done and they’re labelled accordingly.
They will likely need a page extender. Page extenders and
tape are available at the tall table.
Station A: Balance –
An Art Project
With a black marker, draw the outline of a rock that is
balancing on a plain horizon
Behind/above your balanced rock silhouette, with the black
marker, draw patterns or words to fill in the sky.
Color in your sky around your rock silhouette.
Proceed to the sand station where you will first apply the
glue stick to the “rock” then sprinkle with sand to fill it in.
Station B: Critical
Vocab (page 176 in your textbook)
Write the subtitle Critical
Vocabulary on your IAN page.
Write the 5 vocab words and their definitions.
Respond to the 5 questions on the top of page 167. (See
Station C: Latin
Write the subtitle Latin
Roots on your IAN page.
Read the section titled Vocabulary Strategy: Latin Roots on
page 167.
In each of the 6 sentences in the Practice and Apply
section, write the word that has the Latin root grad.
Then write what that term means (use a dictionary or one
another’s knowledge)
Done? Hangman on the whiteboard with words from the article.
Station D:
Prepositional Phrases
Write the subtitle Prepositional
Phrases on your IAN page.
Read “Language Conventions: Prepositional Phrases” on page
After you’ve read it, use the 6 prepositional phrases from
the bottom section “Practice and Apply” to create sentences that tell
information about Big Rocks’ Balancing Act.
Done? Wordsearch.
8th Grade
I will identify methods of characterization in a biography.
Bellwork: Copy and Solve-
1. I am the rare case where today comes before yesterday. What am I?
2. I can be measured but never seen. What am I?
3. I occur twice in eternity and I am always within sight. What am I?
Lesson: Finish reading "Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the Underground Railroad" and complete worksheet (see last blog post for link to worksheet)
Finish worksheet

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