Make-Up Assignment - Quarter 2

Language Arts Make-up Assignment
Turn these in NO LATER THAN JANUARY 5TH, 2018

I.                    Essay: Traditions are important to many cultures and communities. Write about a tradition you, your family, or your community has that you enjoy repeating. Tell what the tradition is, why it is special, and whether you think you will try to keep doing it as you grow older.
a.      3 paragraphs, 5 sentences per paragraph.
                                                              i.      Introduction- background information to build interest
                                                             ii.      Body – what the tradition is, how you celebrate it, why it’s special, your future hopes for the tradition, etc.
                                                           iii.      Conclusion – States again that traditions are important, especially your own. Makes a powerful “mic drop” statement about your own feelings for tradition.
b.      Typed or handwritten, NEATLY
c.       Proper heading includes these elements on the top left corner:
                                                              i.      First and Last name
                                                             ii.      Ms. Harmon
                                                           iii.      English (grade number)
                                                           iv.      Period (period number)
                                                             v.      Date
d.      Title centered on the top line:
                                                              i.      My Tradition – An Essay

II.                  Close Reader: Read and annotate one complete story from Collection 1 or Collection 3 in your workbook. Check the Contents at the beginning to ensure you chose a selection from the correct section. This includes:
a.      Margin notes, definitions of bold-faced words
b.      Underlining and circling as directed by the prompts on the pages
c.       Complete responses to the written questions on the pages

d.      A short response at the conclusion that follows the RACE format (Restate the prompt, Answer the question, Cite evidence, Explain evidence)


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