Parting Thoughts 2018-2019

Hi you!

Compared to the 2017-2018 school year, this was by far my best and favorite experience here! Thank you for your encouragement, patience, enthusiasm, trust, and love over the past 180 days. On this date last year I was defeated and demoralized. In contrast, today I feel so much love and appreciation. You did that! We did that!

I share this passage at the end of every school year because I believe it it is unrelentingly true:

Everything is up to YOU. The experience you're having, for better or for worse, is YOURS. When you are unhappy, embrace that ...and then change that. When you are happy, embrace that ...and then perpetuate it. When you are frightened or lonely or overjoyed or curious or any other feeling, embrace that ...and then do what you need to to make that experience into a lesson that continues the process of shaping you into a better version of yourself.

I live by the personal credos to Do The Most Good and to Always Keep Growing. I hope that you too can develop mantras that guide you through this life. I hope that you too can find a way to keep learning, whether or not that occurs in a classroom. I hope that you too can live a life you're proud of, and if you're not, I hope you have the courage to start all over again.

I did that with you this year, and I have never been happier.

I love you!

-Ms. Harmon

P.S. let's stay sharp this summer. Add me on Trivia Crack (curiouscarolyn) or Words With Friends (curiouscarolyn!) if you'd like to see my ugly, competitive side.


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