Monday 10/23 - All Periods

All Periods:

I will review and practice classroom procedures for Quarter 2.
Bell work: What does "clean slate" mean to me?
Lesson: New quarter, who dis (Cornell note format)
Complete the Cornell note page with a summary

Cornell Notes:

How long is the second quarter?
Quarter 2: October 23 – January 12
– two 3-day weekends (11/3 & 11/10)
– Thanksgiving break (11/20-11/24)
AND winter break (12/18-1/1)
•9 weeks of school; 42 school days
•24 days of English
What can I expect this quarter? 
•This quarter you will:
–Complete Collection 1 in your textbook
–Begin Collection 3 in your textbook
–Write an essay
–Have library orientation
–Do weekly reading logs
–Some sort of project   (it’s a mystery to me still)

What procedures should I practice?
Entering class: Quietly enter class. Sit down and begin filling in your planner with today's information, silently. The timer will be set for 2 minutes.
Prep time: After the time goes off, students will have 2-3 minutes to place backpacks against the wall, get materials from the back shelves, turn in assignments, and have a seat.
Bell work: After prep time, students will be seated and quiet as they complete their daily bell work in their IAN for 5 minutes. The bell work will be displayed on the board.
End of class: Students should make sure their area is free of trash and all supplies are put away. Students should not be leaving paper, post-its, Jolly Rancher wrappers, water bottles, caps, broken pens and pencils, chip bags, workbooks, IANs, and planners behind. When you leave these items behind it tells me you are: unobservant, disrespectful, or careless (none of these are flattering characteristics to have your teacher think of you). 

What about the bathroom?
3 bathroom passes will be issued per quarter.
Student must use restroom signal to get permission to leave, turn in a bathroom pass to the teacher, sign out and wear the vest. 
After the passes are used - no more restroom breaks during that period
Passes that go unused can be cashed in for extra credit at the end of the quarter 

*Don't forget to create a summary 


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